Minggu, 07 Februari 2010

How to Changing the color of the Blue Screen of Death

You are already familiar with Windows will have experienced this: the screen suddenly blue, white lettering and the computer hangs. Well, you can change the color with your favorite colors. How
click Start - Run, enter sysedit. Select the System.ini. Then search for existing text [386Enh], and write in below:
MessageTextColor = 8
MessageBackColor = 4
Change the numbers 8 and 4 with your favorite color (Black = 0 Blue = 1 Green = 2 Cyan = 3 Red = 4 Magenta = 5 Brown = 6 White = 7 Gray = 8 Bright Blue = 9 Bright Green = A Bright Cyan = B Bright Red = C Pink = D Yellow = E Bright White = F)

Ok hopefully can help

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