Minggu, 07 Februari 2010

Tricks Changing Flashdisk you Become RAM

Adding computer RAM / memory computers now do not need to spend big money to buy RAM ..... I have a cheaper way, with a flash disk, we can add computer memory without having to buy expensive RAM ....
easy way .... First you must download software that can change Flashdisk into RAM. name of the software is EBOOSTR
Gini Why do .....

1. Exctrac files EBoostr.3
2. Run this to install eboostr.exe to Company Eboostr you.
3. Once installation is complete .... DO NOT run EBOOSTR, if you have a way eboostr automatically ... eboostr close by eboostr left click on the right of reply were bawak desktop and select exit
4. after closed, run the patch.exe Ati2 kdng considered a virus file patch.exe lho!!
5. the patch.exe in the open, select the patch and look for where the program is installed eboostr
6. upon completion, will be eboostr full version.
7. to create a flash into the flash memory RAM to a computer plug
8. and then run it and select add eboostr
9. select the flash to be in RAM memory made
10. determine the size of the cache, you should not be changed. because eboostr will determine the amount of cache RAM-be made
11. then select "ok" and wait a while .. the process will take much longer depending brp yg cache used
12. upon completion will have a question, then select ok it ..
13. after that process is complete. Your computer will be faster

if you want to shut down the computer, please eject first ... order to avoid error but the flash is also not necessary in order to pull a fast startupa later


* Please capacity flash is used not 100% used, reserving at least 256 mb free space. And wrote the most important capacity you will lose the flash size of RAM cache reply you made.

To EBOOSTR please download HERE.

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